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Register for Design Jam

Design Jam: Adaptive Products for Outdoor Recreation
Up to 8 multidisciplinary teams of 8-10 participants will be selected to participate in this 2-part hands-on design and prototyping challenge.Teams will be curated to ensure representation from students, faculty and professional designers, manufacturers, makers and entrepreneurs, business coaches, and end users from the limb loss community.

Selected participants are expected to commit fully to both of the following sessions.

Schedule & Details

Friday Sept 6 / 4:00 - 6:30 PM
Virtual Kickoff

  • 4:00pm - Welcome and settle

  • 4:15pm - "Ableism in Design" - Ani Grigorian, Ani G Accessibility

  • 5:15pm - Inclusive Design - Alan Hajl, Spark Access

  • 5:45pm - The Challenge: manufacturing constraints; team assignments

  • 6:00pm - Team breakouts: introductions and brainstorming

  • 6:15pm - Questions and what to expect on Saturday

  • 6:30pm - Goodnight

Saturday Sept 7 / 9:30am - 5:00pm
In-person at the Taubman Design Center

  • 8:30am - Doors open; Breakfast, networking, and empathy stations
    *New this year, the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan will have empathy stations available throughout the day for Jam participants to practice various tasks that often challenge people with disabilities. 

  • 9:30am - Welcome, recap Friday, Run of Show

  • 10:00am - Wild Thinking

  • 11:30am - Lunch and empathy stations

  • 12:30pm - Narrow Things Down

  • 1:00pm - Build a prototype and develop your pitch

  • 3:30pm - Pitches, Votes and Awards

  • 4:00pm - Wrap up, networking and happy hour refreshments

Partners & Sponsors

Partners in execution include:
 College for Creative Studies (CCS) and Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan (RIM) Sportability Program.

Manufacturing partners include:
 Anew Life Prosthetics and Orthotics, Pingree Detroit, and ISAIC, Detroit's Industrial Sewing and Innovation Center. 


Design Jam 2023 is sponsored by Detroit Month of Design and GM Design Outreach and Development

Design Jam 2024

Adaptive Products for Outdoor Recreation

This is an application to participate in Design Jam: Detroit 2024 on September 6 and 7. It has 26 questions, ranging from yes or no and multiple choice to brief text boxes for descriptions. It will take about 15 minutes to complete.  Information provided here will be used to curate interdisciplinary teams of participants for this 2-part event. If you need assistance completing this application, please email

What best describes your racial identity?
Which of the following describes your role? Check all that apply.

This role question is required and is in a checkbox format. You may check all that apply.  This will be used to ensure we have balanced interdisciplinary teams of participants.

A current mailing address is required if we need to send supplies or materials before the event.

Include your social media handles if you'd like the organizers of this event to tag you in social media posts.

Have you participated in a design charrette or design jam before?
I'm Not Sure
What do you hope to get out of this event?

This is not a required question, but if you choose to answer, you can provide a text response in your own words.

This is not a required question, but if you choose to answer, you can provide a text response in your own words.

Are there any dietary restrictions we should be aware of?
Creative Commons Acceptance

This is a required checkbox question stating that you understand that any ideas, concepts, and/or prototypes created during the Jam are created under the Creative Commons License. Learn more at

Acceptance Pledge: Please confirm your availability to attend virtually on Friday, September 6 from 4:00pm - 6:30pm.

This is stating that you understand this event has very limited capacity & you will be part of a small team that will need and depend on your expertise. By registering, you are committing to showing up for both sessions and actively participating. If you can't attend, you agree to notify the event producers immediately, so they can find someone else to take your place.

Acceptance Pledge: Please confirm your availability to attend in person in Detroit on Saturday, September 7 from 9:00am - 5:00 pm.

This is stating that you understand this event has very limited capacity & you will be part of a small team that will need and depend on your expertise. By registering, you are committing to showing up for both sessions and actively participating. If you can't attend, you agree to notify the event producers immediately, so they can find someone else to take your place.

Acceptance Pledge: Please confirm permission for us to share your contact information with fellow participants.
Yes, I am comfortable having my contact information shared with other event participants and teammates.
No, I would rather not have my contact information shared with other event participants and teammates.

This is a required yes or no question, stating whether you grant Design Core permission to share your contact information with other participants during and after the event. Answering the question is required, but sharing your contact information is not. In previous years, members of Design Jam teams that wanted to reconnect after the event asked us to share email addresses for their teammates and other people they connect with throughout the program.

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